Important Notice - Anime Bluray Holiday Closure and Special Promotion!
Dear Anime Fans
Please note that Anime Bluray will be closed from Thursday 30th January Until Monday February 17th. All orders placed after 11am on the 29 January until 17th February will be dispatched when we reopen on Tuesday February 18th.We will have little to no access to emails during this time so please don’t worry if it takes a while to get back to your queries. Thanks as always for your support.

Welcome to Anime Bluray

From the team that runs Gundam Mad comes a new webstore dedicated to bringing rare and exciting anime titles and collectables to the wider anime community. This new website aims to bring those DVD, Blu-Ray, and other optical media titles (many of which are now out of print) to anime fans in the UK with care and a quality service.

Free Fully Tracked Shipping on All Orders Over £30

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